New Logos for TSB and Lloyds Bank by Rufus Leonard TSB银行的新标识

Two Banks are Better than One Bank is Better than Two Banks
Warning: This is most likely confusing. Or at least it was to me. Warning: I will mostly likely miss a lot of the nuances that the UK natives might be more attuned to. Warning: At the end of this post you will most likely go “Really? All that, for this?”. So, you’ve been warned. This month saw the split of two banks that were originally independent but then merged. The first, Lloyds Bank, was founded in 1765. The second, TSB (Trustee Savings Bank), was founded in 1810. The two merged in 1995 to form Lloyds TSB as a subsidiary of Lloyds Banking Group plc and became one of the “Big Four” financial institutions in the UK. In 2009 a ruling by the European Commission demanded that Lloyds Banking Group transfer part of its business to a new owner so, voila, Lloyds Banking Group launched TSB and revitalized theLloyds Bank brand. Of the existing branches, TSB will get 631 branches and Lloyds Bank will keep over 1,300. Of the existing customers, around 5 million are being sent to TSB and over 15 million are staying with Lloyds Bank — this has apparently been the worst part of the transition as many customers aren’t happy to be shipped to TSB. The new logos for both banks have been designed by London-based Rufus Leonard, which is either the smartest move or the biggest conflict of interests ever. Only insiders know. The launch of the TSB brand was handled by London-based Joint and, I believe, Rufus Leonard handled the Lloyds Bank launch.
Each bank has adopted a separate narrative to help distinguish their offerings: TSB is pounding the message that they are “local”, meaning that all the money that comes into their bank is being used to fund loans and mortgages to locals and they have no intentions to get into international investments or speculations; meanwhile, Lloyd Bank seems to have grown in confidence with a more “mature” tone of voice and messaging — in the sense of a more serious and life-affirming approach as opposed to saying that TSB is “juvenile”. This clearly establishes Lloyds Bank as the bigger, more storied bank that doesn’t need to make bold claims to get people’s attention.
Below is a look at the identity and advertising efforts of both banks.

警告:这是最有可能的混乱。或者说,至少对我是这样。警告:我将最有可能错过了很多细微之处,英国本土可能更切合。警告:在这篇文章的结尾,你将最有可能去“真的吗?所有这一切,这?“所以,你已经被警告。本月看到原本独立的,但然后合并两家银行thatwere分割。第一,劳埃德银行,始建于第一千七百六十五,第二, TSB (信托储蓄银行)成立于1810年。两人于1995年合并,形成劳埃德TSB银行(Lloyds TSB) ,劳埃德银行集团的附属公司,并成为“四大”的金融机构在英国之一。在2009年,由欧洲委员会的裁决要求劳埃德银行集团(Lloyds Banking Group)其业务的一部分转移到一个新的所有者,所以,瞧,劳埃德银行集团(Lloyds Banking Group)发起和振兴theLloyds TSB银行品牌。现有的分支, TSB希望得到631个分支机构和超过1300劳埃德银行希望保持。现有客户,约500万被发送到TSB和超过15万住劳埃德银行 – 显然这一直是最糟糕的部分尽可能多的客户不开心,被运到TSB过渡。两家银行的新标识已经设计由总部位于伦敦的鲁弗斯伦纳德,这是明智的举动或利益有史以来最大的冲突。只有内行人都知道。电信标准化局(TSB)品牌的推出,由总部设在伦敦的联合和处理,我相信,鲁弗斯·伦纳德处理劳埃德银行推出。
各银行已采取了单独的叙述,以帮助区分他们的产品: TSB的冲击,的消息thatthey是“本地” ,意思是做了所有的钱也没有到他们的银行正在使用公积金贷款和按揭当地人和全心全意地没有意图进入国际投资或投机活动,同时,劳埃德银行信心语音和短信更“成熟”的基调似乎已经长大 – 在这个意义上说没有TSB是一个更加严重和生活肯定的态度,而不是“少年“ 。这明确规定劳埃德银行更大,更传奇的银行也并不需要作出大胆的要求得到人们的重视。

Lloyds Bank
Press release of launch
Lloyds Bank logo detail. That droopy “A” drives me mad.
The redesigned horse — sans the hundred gradients — had been used since 2010 in some instances.Lloyds Bank new TV spot, “Moving Out”.
Lloyds Bank cards.
Lloyds Bank billboard.
Lloyds Bank storefront.
Lloyds Bank close-up of horse on a sign. Source.
In terms of brand equity, Lloyds Bank came out on top obviously. Keeping the majority of branches while still being able to operate with the horse logo, which has been airbrushed to death making it look like it’s made out of faux obsidian. The typography, based on the Lloyds Banking Group’s, has been made friendlier through some small customizations like the angled bars of the “L”s, the open arms of the “Y”, and the incredibly annoying drooping of the “A“‘s crossbar. In application, there isn’t much of interest other than some nice photography and decent copywriting. The TV spot is quite good. But overall, the brand feels bland.


Press release of launch
TSB logo detail.
The TSB logo as it existed in 1995 before being merged with Lloyds.TSB: The Story. Cute animation. If you have another two minutes to spare you can also watch this video about TSB CEO explaining why TSB is back.
TSB mottos.
TSB storefront with CEO Paul Pester. And balloons. Source.
Another storefront, which was robbed on the day it opened!
Wrap-around billboard. Source.
Close-up of savings book. Source.
Having to earn back the trust of its customers and establish its own identity, TSB had to go with a slightly flashier launch with more targeted copywriting and messaging. Executed in a strict palette of blues — to differentiate from Lloyds Bank’s green and, certainly, to harken back to its pre-1995 logo — the identity and advertising are relatively striking. The new logo is far from exciting or overly distinguishing for a financial institution. The big typography in the banners and billboards is almost daring for a bank and it’s nicely executed — it certainly demands more attention than Lloyds Bank. Overall, a more interesting case than Lloyds Bank, but still nothing to rattle the bank or graphic industries.

TSB赚回其客户的信任,并建立自己的身份,不得不去一个稍微华丽推出更有针对性的文案和消息。蓝调执行严格的调色板 – 区别于劳埃德银行的绿色,当然,哈肯回到1995年前标志 – 的身份和广告是比较惊人的。新的标志是远离过于兴奋或在金融机构区别。横幅和广告牌的大版式几乎不敢银行和很好的执行 – 当然,这需要更多的关注比劳埃德银行。总体而言,一个更有趣的情况比劳埃德银行,但仍没有滔滔不绝的银行或图形行业。